[Tutor] oop introduction pages

Kirk Bailey idiot1 at netzero.net
Sun Sep 28 12:47:32 EDT 2003

my wiki mounts a series of pages on Objects and Object Oriented Programming. 
they are rather terse, and I would like to invite anyone at all to go and see if 
they can contribute to them. One member of this list did, but the pages got 
eaten, and had to be recreated from my notes- so the extra material was lost, 
alas. The pages can be edited by any reader (it's a wiki after all) so whosoever 
wishes, CLICK THIS and dive in.





         Kirk D Bailey

  +                              think                                +
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   Thou art free"-ERIS          +-----+     'Got a light?'-Prometheus
  +                              kniht                                +


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