[Tutor] More confusion on conversion

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Oct 31 13:47:44 EST 2003

> It is true that languages such as 'C' use '\0' to terminate strings
> MEMORY, and the other option, which I believe Python uses for its
> strings, is to store a length along with the contents of the string.

I stand corrected, I thought Python sent standard C strings
(including the NULL) during I/O operations.

> This, however, should have no effect on what is actually written by
> write method.  Certainly when sending over a network socket or
> to a file object, no NULs are written unless you explicitly write

Are you sure? It doesn't send EOL characters but I thought it
did send end of string terminators - ie NULLs?

> It seems that Vicki's problem was that she needed a delay between

Yeah, but I missed that aspect too so can't use that as
any kind of excuse! :-)

Alan G.

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