[Tutor] generating instance names from a list

Karl Fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Tue Oct 28 12:25:58 EST 2003

This works. This is the solution I was looking for. Much thanks.

I've summarized the problem and the solution below, for anyone who
cares and doesn't want to piece together the thread.

> When the name of an attribute is in a variable, you can use the
> builtin functions:
> 	getattr(obj, name[,default])
> 	hasattr(obj, name)
> 	setattr(obj, name, value)
> to work with the attribue and its object.


You've got a list of names and want to create an instance for each
item in the list.  


class SomeClass:
   def somefunc(self):
       names = ['alpha', 'beta']
       for item in names:
           setattr(self, item, OtherClass())

class OtherClass:

So if you do this:

  >>> a = SomeClass()
  >>> a.somefunc()

You will now have a.alpha and a.beta, both instances of OtherClass.


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