[Tutor] Re: Nested Lists / Array Module

Shantanoo Mahajan python at dhumketu.cjb.net
Wed Oct 22 06:57:59 EDT 2003

  +-- Harm_Kirchhoff at mail.digital.co.jp [python-tutor] [22-10-03 05:37 IST]:
  | Python supports nested lists, which is very nice and can be used for very 
  | simple databases.
  | However, I could not find a way to write nested lists to files & retrieve 
  | them easily.
  | The .writelines() method expects a string as an argument.
  | Is there a method to dump any list on disk & read it back, or is it 
  | necessary to code this task ?
  | The array module seems to have such method, however, I could not find 
  | sufficient code examples to understand how the array module works. The 
  | Python Library Reference mentions the .fromfile() and .tofile() methods, 
  | does anyone have experience with the array module, especially whether it 
  | allows to write & retrieve nested arrays without problems ? Could you pass 
  | me some sample code ?
  | Harm 

import pickle
print a,b

With Best Regards,
Shantanoo Mahajan

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