[Tutor] (no subject)

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat Oct 18 03:32:31 EDT 2003

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003, Hiroshi Ransom wrote:

> what are all the commands usable in the snake program and what do they
> do?

Hi Hiroshi,

What snake program do you mean?

> also explain any spacings that must b done between commands.

What kind of spacings do you mean?  Do you have a concrete example of
commands with spaces in them that you can show us?

If it sounds like these questions are a little silly, please forgive me.
But I'm just trying to figure out what you are trying to figure out.

> im new this is basic u prlly heard this question a MIllion times but

Wwe may have heard similar questions before, but that is actually besides
the point.  We want to understand better why you're asking those
particular ones --- the "why" is much more important to us.  Are you
trying to learn programming from a tutorial?  If so, can you point it out
to us?  We want to see why you're running into problems.

Just in case you're starting from scratch: there's a lot of good beginner
tutorials here:


There's a lot of good tutorials there, and if you go through one, we'll be
happy to help answer your questions about them.

Good luck!

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