[Tutor] Databases

Ole Jensen learning.python at dbmail.dk
Wed Oct 15 21:22:35 EDT 2003

Hi everybody
I'm currently experimenting on creating some python generated web pages, and was wondering what databases are used for... (Sorry if it is abit to vague/general)

Basically what I have been thinking of doing (without using a database) is having a few articles as text documents (with html code i.e. <p>'s and <a>'s) and importing them into python and displaying the text into an entire page (with tables and pics et al).

Without any prior experince in web programming I was just curious, if this is something that is (normally) done with databases,  or how they are used (in simple terms *grin*) in practise.

Also would you recommend me to try and play around with some variant of a database or to just relax and get to understand basic CGI/web programming better before starting with it now? I realize you don't know my current level but as a general pointer, is it best saved for later?

I have been trying to google for it but I didn't really find anything useful... 

Regards Ole Jensen
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