[Tutor] Code critique? [Red-Black balanced binary trees]

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 7 01:59:52 EDT 2003

Hi everyone,

I had some time today, and I wanted to understand Red-Black trees a little
more.  I ran into them a few times on Tutor before, especially whenever
asked for a sorted Dictionary.


They're a neat data structure.  I have to admit, though, that I didn't
really quite get how red-black trees worked.  So I spent this afternoon
coding another red-black tree module.  *grin*

I also wanted to get a lot more familiar with the 'unittest' module,


so the code comes with a few unit tests.  Can anyone help me by critiquing
the implementation and suggesting other good things to test?

The code is here at the moment:


and as soon as it's more stable and useful (and is better documented), I
can package it up using distutils.

Thanks again!

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