[Tutor] Re: Combobox - SetValue based on selection

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Mon Oct 6 10:48:45 EDT 2003

Oops, this one was meant to go to the wxPython list :).

> Hello,
> I have a combobox with a number of predefined items. When an item is 
> chosen, I don't want that item itself to be set as value in the text 
> field of the combobox, but a text *associated* with that item (using a 
> dictionary). E.g. if item "1" is chosen, the text field should say 
> "one". I tried EVT_COMBOBOX, but after my function is processed, the 
> associated text is replaced by the selected item again in the text field 
> of the combobox.
> How can I solve this?
> Andrei
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