[Tutor] RE: re

Kirk Bailey idiot1 at netzero.net
Fri Oct 3 21:44:21 EDT 2003

Regarding re (regular expressions):


I am fustrated. I want a function to return a list or a string which is a 
WikiWord split into words, with the split occuring at the Capitalized word.

So if I feed it the word ThisIsAWikiWord, it can give me back:
'This Is A Wiki Word'

Well, I got THIS far...
 >>> def wordsplit(word):
	return re.split('[A-Z]+',word)

 >>> wordsplit(word)
['', 'ary', 'ad', 'ittle', 'amb']
 >>> word

Please advise. 'Text Processing in Python' is good, but the RE chapter is not as 
transparent as I would hope. Clue eagerly saught.




         Kirk D Bailey

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