[Tutor] Toolkit for Tkinter?

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Thu Nov 27 16:55:52 EST 2003

I want to do more in the way of GUI programming, and Tkinter kind of 
frustrates me in the level of detail it requires.

I've heard about Wax, both on this list and at its web site 
<http://zephyrfalcon.org/moin.cgi/Wax>, but that's an interface into 
wxPython.  I'd like to stay in Tkinter, rather than learning a whole new 
GUI toolkit like wxPython.

I don't use Python professionally, this is just for my own use for my
occasional programming at home, so I'm looking for a no-cost option, being 
a cheap bastard.

So, does anyone know of anything comparable to Wax for Tkinter?

(Happy Thanksgiving to the USAians on the list.)

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA
carroll at tjc.com 

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