[Tutor] for loops ... (fwd)

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Nov 18 11:50:38 EST 2003

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 06:49:25 +0100
From: Tadey <tayiper at volja.net>
To: Danny Yoo <dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu>
Subject: for loops ...

Hello ...

1.) yet on the beggining I had problem understanding, or better imaging
while loop,

>>> j = 1
>>> while j <= 12:
...         print "%d x 12 = %d" % (j, j*12)
...         j = j + 1

... the part, where it says j = j + 1 ... looked at first a bit illogical,
like 1 = 1 + 1, so 1 = 2 come after,so this equation seems illogical (the
value on both sides of = sign should be identical - that is the deffinition
of equation).

So I tryed to imagine it not as equation, but rather as some "instructon"
how number (set by variable should "change/increase" through "looping"
So I tryed to type j = 1 then j = j + 1, and of course after print j it says
j = 2, so in case above (if j = 1) means variable j changes from 1 to 2, and
then from 2 to 3, every loop +1, and so on to 11 ... is that it  ??

So please, give me some background releted to that kind of
equations/instructions (j = j + 1), how they "control" loops, which has
higher "priority" - for better imaging  !!

Though that was relative simple case (for me)

2.)  Here it is something different, though it is again while loop with that
kind of "equation", but ...

I don't get it, how it print that high values as a result.

I thought, that it first "takes" dog value 2, defined in tadey(2), then
"calculates" current value for this loop, so dog = dog - 1, that gives 1,
than multiplicate with result, which is set 1, which gives the real result
... but as you see (if you calculate in my way), I didn't get the right

>>> def tadey(glg):
            result = 1
            while glg > 0:
                   result = result * glg
                   glg = glg - 1
            return result

>>> tadey(6)
>>> tadey(5)
>>> tadey(4)
>>> tadey(3)
>>> tadey(2)
>>> tadey(1)
>>> tadey(0)
>>> tadey(-1)
>>> tadey(-2)

--->  So please, explain, how Python calculates/gets that results in this
case  ?!?

Thanks, Tadey

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