FW: [Tutor] jpg to doc conversion

Alan Trautman ATrautman at perryjudds.com
Wed Nov 5 15:03:31 EST 2003


The other posting is absolutely correct for most JPEG's. However, there is
space in some JPEG formats for internal comments. This is sometimes used as
a digital watermark in high end imaging and printing. It would not be
visible to a normal JPEG viewer. It is very unusual but if you suffer the
JPEG standard you might be able to extract his information. My opinion is
that it would be a very painful procedure for a beginner.

If you want to work with images and learn Python.
http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ is an easy graphics handler to learn


Hi Fellow Pythoners, 

Im new to python, I have an idea about converting jpg/jpeg image files into
doc files. The jpg files contain text and the text should be converted into
doc format. 
Im looking for ideas about how to go about it. Does anyone has any idea of
any Open Source application which can do this..?? 

Suggestions/comments are welcome. 

Fellow Pythoner. 

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