[Tutor] Voting for [example:__builtins__.zip, __builtins__.dict]

David Broadwell dbroadwell@mindspring.com
Fri May 23 23:31:43 2003

> I think we can attack this problem of missing
> examples: how about whenever we write a short
> example for a module function, that we add a
> small tag on the subject line of our emails,
> like [example:cgi] or [example:MySQLdb.connect]?
I think that is a small price to pay for the eventual payoff. Which I see as
a (possible) long term interpretation of a html/pdf [Tutor sourcemine] that
can be cross-posted to C.L.P and aid pythonistas globally.

> We can then later cull these out from the rest of
> the Tutor archive by doing a simple regex search
> based on the subject line, fix them up to be more
> presentable, and then send them over to the doc
> folks.  Doing this manually might be a pain, but
> we can write software to help us do this.
In the long run, it's like refactoring ...

> So if we find ourselves writing a small snippet of
> code that demonstrates the use of a function or
> class, perhaps tagging our subject lines with a
> short identifier like [example:foo] will help
> people out.
> Any thoughts on this?
I do see it as a way that some could copy-paste to do homework, but then,
those that do that are on the path to script-kiddie-confuzion and not

over.all = good_ly_py_thon_ic_ly.py


David Broadwell