[Tutor] how to learn programming,and how to use python as the first one u program?

Gerrit Holl gerrit@nl.linux.org
Mon May 19 15:51:22 2003

wei huang schreef op maandag 19 mei om 15:25:33 +0000:
> i am a new learner, even do not have much knowledge in C & C++
> i will be very appreciated if some one tell me which book i should read
> ps:this is my first mail in the mail list,thanks all

Congratulations on finding Python as a first language!

*Five* years ago, I started using Python.
It is very cool to look what my questions were back then:


I can not understand what I didn't know... I didn't know the difference
between terms like interactive, interpreter, compiler, scripting,
editor, programming language. A question like "How does the
following def look in edit?" illustrates that very well.

You can ask your questions here, you are very welcome!


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        -- Hammurabi, Code of Law
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