[Tutor] log parser speed optimization

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Fri May 16 19:33:20 2003

At 15:19 2003-05-16 -0400, Tom Jenkins wrote:
>To find the bottlenecks you need to run through the profiler:

Agreed. It might also be a good idea to use the new
hotshot profiler. It's included but not documented in
2.2, but I think the "in development docs" will turn
out useful.

The hotshot profiler is written in C, so profiling is much
faster, and has much less impact on the times. On the other
hand, it collects more data, so you might end up with a
statistics file that is very slow to open...

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
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