[Tutor] program idea

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry@attbi.com
Thu May 15 21:34:32 2003

And here is a version which actually honors MAX_LEN (doh!) as well as deal 
with cases where the line will be longer than MAX_LEN.  The idea is if the 
line would be to long just skip the line count for that line.  There should 
be enough context to make this be ok.

#! /usr/bin/python                                                      #  1
                                                                        #  2
import sys                                                              #  3
                                                                        #  4
def compute_padding(num):                                               #  5
    pad = 0                                                             #  6
    while num > 0:                                                      #  7
        num /= 10                                                       #  8
        pad += 1                                                        #  9
    return pad                                                          # 10
                                                                        # 11
def add_lineno(lines, fp = sys.stdout):                                 # 12
    MAX_LEN = 80                                                        # 13
                                                                        # 14
    trailer_gen = "# %%%ds" % compute_padding(len(lines))               # 15
                                                                        # 16
    count = 0                                                           # 17
                                                                        # 18
    for line in lines:                                                  # 19
        line = line.rstrip()                                            # 20
        count += 1                                                      # 21
        trailer = trailer_gen % count                                   # 22
        pad = MAX_LEN - len(trailer) - len(line)                        # 23
        if pad <= 0:                                                    # 24
            fp.write("%s\n" % line)                                     # 25
        else:                                                           # 26
            output_gen = "%%s%%%ds\n" % (pad) # this makes the line too long
            fp.write(output_gen % (line, trailer))                      # 28
                                                                        # 29
def sub_lineno(lines, fp = sys.stdout):                                 # 30
    import re                                                           # 31
    stripper = re.compile(r'#\s+\d+$')                                  # 32
    for line in lines:                                                  # 33
        fp.write(stripper.sub('', line))                                # 34
                                                                        # 35
if __name__ == '__main__':                                              # 36
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'sub':                      # 37
        lines = sys.stdin.readlines()                                   # 38
        sub_lineno(lines)                                               # 39
    else:                                                               # 40
        lines = sys.stdin.readlines()                                   # 41
        add_lineno(lines)                                               # 42