[Tutor] MIME Parsing/Generating (newbie question)

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Thu May 8 20:54:02 2003

At 19:52 2003-05-08 -0400, Adam Kessel wrote:
>I'm a Python newbie--in fact, today is my first day. I've recently
>realized how difficult it is to remember what you meant in Perl a year or
>two after you wrote code, so I thought I'd give Python a try.

Good thinking! I did that six years ago, and I'm very happy
about that.

>So far I'm finding it tricky, but I know I need to unlearn some old
>habits first.

Yep. As Yoda said: "You have to unlearn what you have learnt."

>The first application I wanted to write would recognize HTML-only emails
>(e.g., hotmail), turn them into MIME multipart messages, and add a
>stripped version as the first part. (It would be a procmail filter).

That's a fairly ambitious thing to do one your first day.
(I bet you didn't write anything like that the first day
you coded Perl...)

>I am wondering if anyone can suggest a better way to do this. Also, can
>anyone recommend a good source for example code? I learn best by example,
>and the Python Library Reference has very few of them.

The Python cookbook, both the dead tree version from O'Reilly and
the one at activestate.com, is very useful. See
and search for mime!

E.g. http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/86676

But I'm not so sure that there are a lot of code examples for the
email module, since it's fairly recent.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The shortest path from thought to working program