[Tutor] path issues

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Thu May 1 07:49:01 2003

At 00:55 2003-05-01 -0400, Kirk Bailey wrote:
>ok, got a code problem.
>  os.remove('./lists/' + mylist)  # this deletes the subscriber file.
>  os.remove('./lists/' + mylist + '.*')   # remove all files with this

Read the manual.

    Remove the file path. ...

In other words, os.remove(x)

is (on unix) more or less the same as

os.system("rm '%s'" % x)

Note the single quotes.

In unix, when you do "rm something*", the shell will perform
a wildcard expansion before it calls the rm program, so rm
will be fed a list of actual file names.

Since you've already made your code unix-specific by not using
os.path functions to manage paths, your simplest solution will
be to use os.system("rm %s" % x), but a more pythonic way would
be to do:

import glob
for fn in glob.glob(x):

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The shortest path from thought to working program