[Tutor] how to send an email via Microsoft Outlook?

Pijus Virketis pijus@virketis.com
Fri Mar 28 23:00:02 2003

Dear all,

First of all, let me reassure you that I am not asking about this 
because I plan to send spam. :) In fact, I want to send emails to 
myself when some system events happen.

I have figured out how to use the win32com module to create an instance 
of Outlook.Application, and move around mailboxes. Now, I need to 
create an instance of MailItem, Outlook-speak for an email. I think it 
should look like this:

 >>> message = outlook.CreateItem("MailItem")

Except that "MailItem" is not it ... Does anyone know what I should be 
passing to the CreateItem() method?

Thank you!
