[Tutor] Automating MSWord (py2exe)

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue Mar 25 07:19:02 2003

> >>In other words can they be persuaded to install it?
> Yes, I've asked and they do not want any language
> engines installed on production PCs (100+ machines).

Thats not unusual for production use, even though they often 
break their own rules by using WSH etc - BTW Python can be 
run under WSH too, but you still need the interpreter. 
But if the WSH interpreter is allowed, why not Python...

Anyway realistically it looks like py2exe is your best bet.

> >>Could yuou port your code 
> >>to JScript and run it under WSH for example?
> I have no experience with JScript.
> I will however have a look at possible alternatives.

It's only an option if WSH is enabled. Some production boxes 
don't even have that (quite rightly since it is a security 

Alan G.