[Tutor] new to tutor - thanks

Billie bh-wages@swbell.net
Sat Mar 22 13:56:03 2003

Thanks for all the support you've given me.

I am trying to work learning this in with learning all the new stuff about
Paint Shop Pro 8, which utilizes the Python language for writing scripts
(same as what was Macros back in the 80's in Word Perfect and LOTUS).

Those of you who were "young" in the 80's when the personal computer became
easily available to the common person (non-commercial, I guess sounds better
:), just do not realize how fortunate you are.  I would have given ANYTHING
if this had been available to me when I was choosing what to do with my life
when I began college in 1960, putting me in my 40's when I got my first
taste of the personal computer (already familiar to punch cards in '61).

I am an "explorer" by nature, and when I started working for our college in
'85 and got to use the computer for the first time, it set me out on an
adventure, and the next semester I was taking programming classes - age ----
42.  I took that basic knowledge amd applied it to writing programs in LOTUS
for the company I worked for.  Then later, I worked as a medical
transcriptionist as I approached 50, and programmed macros in Word Perfect,
not only for my area in X-ray, but in administration as well.

I say all that only to give you an idea of my "forge ahead" mentality that I
bring to learning this language, taking it beyond what I need for PSP
editing, and teaching users.  I'm excited, and am trying to juggle things so
I can indulge myself.  FWIW, I will be 61 in a few months, and I am disabled
and bedridden.  I told my doctor last week that I refuse to allow my
illnesses clip my wings, though I will have good days and bad days.

Again, thanks to all who have responded, and I really look forward to
learning and working out the kinks with you all.  I've saved all the
messages that I've received since I joined to have as a resource.
