[Tutor] New to tutor

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Mar 21 18:50:02 2003

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Billie wrote:

> I just recently found out about python, and am beginning to get started
> on learning it.  I did BASIC programming waaay back in the 80's, and am
> really looking forward to learning this language.

Hi Billie,

10  PRINT "Very cool; I have somewhat fond memories reading introductory"
15  PRINT "BASIC tutorials.  I've been told that BASIC is brain-damaging,"
20  PRINT "but I think I turned out ok."

> Are there any lesson plans anywhere?  Books?

Yes, there are quite a few that you can browse through.  Mark Pilgrim
makes his extensive "Dive into Python" tutorial available online:


It's professionally written, and a very good book.  If you want to read
shorter tutorials, the Python.org web site hosts links to several of them


And if you're looking for lesson plans, the Livewires educational group
has written one for their computer programming camp, and have made their
materials available online:


Because Livewires was designed for young readers as its target audience,
the Livewires tutorial is very oriented on concrete examples (tic-tac-toe
game, designing Spacewar, etc.), and I find it very fun to read.

> I've been on the list and receiving mail, but haven't actually gotten
> started yet due to illness. This appears to me to be a very helping
> group, and I'm sure I'm going to have questions and need help.

You are always welcome to ask questions; be prepared, though, for a slew
of responses.  *grin*  We'll do our best of help.

Good luck to you!