[Tutor] (getch() equivalent) [fun with imports]

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Sun Mar 9 08:43:02 2003

On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 02:11  AM, Danny Yoo wrote:

> Just as local variables are visible only with the enclosing function,
> local module imports are treated with the same rule.  Doing 'import'
> within a function very unusual: it's not often useful to localize a 
> module
> to a single function, since it's probably going to be used everywhere 
> in a
> program.

Is there a significant performance hit when importing a module twice in 
this fashion?  Or does the Python processor keep all of the imported 
objects cached in memory so that if it is imported a second time, even 
in a separate namespace, a module will not be searched for and loaded 


Erik Price

email: erikprice@mac.com
jabber: erikprice@jabber.org