[Tutor] outputting long lines

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Sat Mar 8 11:57:02 2003

On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 01:21  AM, Paul Tremblay wrote:

> Is there a tecnique for printing out long lines that span more than the
> length of your script?

One way to do it that doesn't sacrifice performance is to create a list 
of strings and then join them all together when they need to be treated 
as a single string.

 >>> text = [
...  'Here is a ',
...  'really long string ',
...  'that is broken up ',
...  'over multiple lines.'
...        ]
 >>> text
['Here is a ', 'really long string ', 'that is broken up ', 'over 
multiple lines.']
 >>> output = ''.join(text)
 >>> output
'Here is a really long string that is broken up over multiple lines.'

Note that "output" is generated by calling the string method join() on 
an empty string, passing the list as the argument.


Erik Price

email: erikprice@mac.com
jabber: erikprice@jabber.org