[Tutor] finding factorials

Payal Rathod payal-python@staticky.com
Mon Jun 30 03:38:03 2003

I am very new to python and programming in general. I was reading a
tutorial "Programming in Python" in which the author has asked the
reader an problem which I am unable to get.

Problem is as follow,
Write  a function that implements Euclid's method for finding a common
   factor of two numbers. It works like this:
    1. You have two numbers, a and b, where a is larger than b
    2. You repeat the following until b becomes zero:
         1. a is changed to the value of b
         2. b  is  changed to the remainder when a (before the change) is
            divided by b (before the change)
    3. You then return the last value of a

My very basic solution is going totally wrong,

def euclid(a,b):
        c = a
        a = b
        b = c % a
        if b != 0:
        return a
b = 5
print a

It is giving errors. Can someone guide me to a proper solution?
Thanks a lot and hope this basic question is allowed.
Please make a CC to me also.

With warm regards,

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