[Tutor] What's up (fwd)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jun 19 17:05:03 2003

> By the way, do we have to download the tcl and learn 
> that in order to work with graphics and other such things 
> or is the tcl that is include with python supposed to make 
> it possible to work with graphics from the python interperter.

Sounds like its my tutor that you are reading. At the time I 
wrote it Tcl was included with Python but the latest versions 
don't need it, they just include a couple of DLLs and a few 
sample files.

You don't need Tcl to create graphics in Python but the
underlying GUI tookkit is built on top of Tcl, but that 
is pretty much invisible to you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor