[Tutor] Beginning Programming

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Jun 18 18:38:04 2003

> Could someone recommend a book that teachs programming 
> from first principles using Python. NOT, how to program 
> in python !!.

That is precisely what my book "Learn to Program Using Python" 
is about. It is based on the web tutor (as in my sig) but somewhat 
enhanced(more footnotes andsidebars, plus some extra material). 
Plus I dropped the BASIC and Tcl stuff, its pure Python.

Check out the web page, if the general style feels OK, try the 
book! And of course if you don't understand anything in either 
the book or tutor you can always email me via the list here or 
from the web site which has mailto links on every page

Alan G.