[Tutor] Newbie project, possible?

Ruben Walston rwalston96@hotmail.com
Tue Jun 17 16:18:01 2003

I'm a realatively new commer to the programming world. Having done some 
research I found that python was perhaps the best program to begin my 
programming journey with. In the few months that I've been reading and 
practicing with python, I've found my biggest obstacle to be that I dont 
know all of the modules available to me, further I'm still trying to figure 
out exactly how to use classes. Anyway, I've decided to help me along in my 
study that rather than just read and do the excercises provided by some of 
the things I'm studying, I figured why not try and program something that I 
could use at work. I work at a hospital and every time a doctor or nurse 
sees a patient, they have to submit some codes that allows for the hospital 
to bill the patient. I thought it would be cool to have a little program 
that would allow them to use a gui and type in the treatment that they 
administered to the patient, and upon there entries the program would search 
(dictionary?, list?, or tuple?) for the correct code and output the code to 
a file as well as send the codes to another program. Does this sound like 
something a newer user could do or is this a project for someone with more 
advanced skills? Well to be honest, I'm going to give it a shot anyway. 
Question though, by using Tkinter is it possible to have it print text from 
a module to a screen?

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