[Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy

Charlie Clark charlie@begeistert.org
Mon Jun 16 08:48:02 2003

On 2003-06-16 at 10:40:03 [+0200], tutor-request@python.org wrote:
> That's true, and considering the quality of the quality of this list, I 
> think my post generated more noise that it was worth.

Wouldn't agree with that. The responses have been very interesting although 
the overwhelming moral tone surprised me somewhat. My answer would have 
been: this is the tutor mailing list not the homework one, please feel free 
to set one up. I used to let people copy from me at school.

Let me reject citing moral grounds for not doing homework by quoting from 
the bible: "Give a man fish and he has food for a day. Teach him to fish 
and he has food for life." This has practical implications far beyond 
homework: it is now widely acknowledged that foreign (food) aid to Africa 
is responsible for some of the food crises as it encourages dependency. 
Problem solving cannot be copied.

I've benefitted enormously from this list and try to help others myself 
when I can. The emphasis on identifying the problem to be solved first and 
then solving this problem is perfect.

Thanx to you all.
