[Tutor] Reminded why Python is so good

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jun 15 18:21:36 2003

As regular eaders will recall I bought an Apple iBook a 
year or so ago and use it mainly for general computing as 
opposed to development. This week however the programmer 
in me finally got suckered into buying a book on Cocoa
(the new Mac app toolkit). After a weekend of reading 
and playing, I completed two programs: 1 GUI based and 
1 console based, both using the Cocoa native language 
Objective C.

I've just spent an hour tracking down an annoying little 
memory problem (I was free'ing, or in Obj C speak "releasing", 
the same object twice). An hour chasing something that just 
wouldn't happen in Python... now I remember why I've stopped 
using C! :-)

Alan G.