[Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Sun Jun 15 05:47:01 2003

At 03:20 2003-06-15 +0000, cino hilliard wrote:
>I agree 100%. Either answer the question or delete it.

I don't see that anyone else on this mailing list has actually
tried to help Tom Brownlee to understand Python programming as
I have done--even when he explicitly asks us to do his homework.

I still try to make him understand how *he* can go forward. I
don't mind helping him more if he seems to make an honest effort
and I can help him in a way that seem constructive.

There are certainly situations when silence is the best response,
but it think I can judge about that. I don't aim to please, I aim
to help. I don't see how ignoring him would help him more.

I'm certainly not going to compromise my own moral standards by
doing his homework, and I'll continue to be open and honest. As
with all other email, I still want to keep it on the mailing list,
for just the same reasons that I keep other mails on the list.

For those who don't like to see my emails, just make a filter
in your email client, or write a small python script that will
remove them from your mailbox. I'll help if you make an honest
attempt to write it! :)

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language