[Tutor] PostgreSQL driver recommendations?

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Sat Jun 14 19:08:02 2003

If GPL is no problem for you, I'd suggest psycopg. It seems to be
both fast, well maintained and popular. Look in the archives of the
db-sig mailing list for some comparisions and benchmarks.

In particular, look in the beginning of this month (June 2003)
for the thread "Python/PostgreSQL API performance comparison".

I think I've heard complaints about all modules except psycopg.

At 11:29 2003-06-14 -0400, Eric L. Howard wrote:
>lists at least three modules for PostgreSQL [some not actively maintained].

There are four maintained modules I think:
  * The one included in PostgreSQL (PyGreSQL)
  * pyPgSQL
  * psycopg
  * PoPy (the last release isn't extremely recent, but PoPy isn't abandoned.)

>Which of the actively maintained modules would be best recommended?  I've
>searched the db-sig archives @ activestate, but haven't been able to find a
>straight-forward answer.  I'm waiding into hooking python in to DBs and am
>looking for advice from a tutor...

All four work. At least most of the time... See the above
mentioned thread.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language