[Tutor] newbie programmer

Dirigo bbbbosox@mtneer.net
Wed Jun 4 14:58:03 2003

Please see comments/questions (enclosed within "***" 's) inserted in
text below.

Thanks in advance.

------------------- Original Message (sort of -------------------

Alan Gauld <alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk>
on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 9:52 AM

"Anticipating a FAQ before it comes :-)

How to clear the screen?

Several ways:

Either print lots of newlines

print '\n' * 50

*** Worked great within the Python command line window - Win 98SE OS
(yes, Magnus ... I'm trying to get a copy of Win2K and/or XP - I read
your recommendation in earlier message ;>))  ***


use the operating system command:

os.system('CLS)  # DOS

*** Tried this within the Python command line window and got error
message which read  "NameError:  name 'os' is not defined".   I tried
both os.system('CLS') and os.system("CLS") and got the same results.
Also, simply tried "CLS" (as one would in a regular MS-DOS prompt
window) and it also was a no-go.  Got error message "CLS" not defined.
So ... I guess this begs the question "For this particular command to
work, do the Hammond Win extensions need to be installed?"  I still
haven't installed the Win extensions as I'm still working on get a
better grasp on Python.  ***

os.system('clear')  # Unix

Or be very clever and send the appropriate terminal control
codes (ANSI for DOS, VT100 for Xterms on Unix)"