[Tutor] Newbie here ... Have python installed and have been trying the beginning tutorials

Dirigo bbbbosox@mtneer.net
Tue Jun 3 08:57:02 2003

Howdie again ;>))!

How right you are.  After Jeff Shannon had given me a "hint" in an
earlier message as to what I was doing wrong (typing the "..."), I
checked out both the python GUI (IDLE Python Shell) and Command window
(for lack of proper term for said DOS window).  The Command window did
in fact display the three periods (...), while the GUI didn't.  I have
to learn more about controlling the indentation, as well as, checking
the automatic settings for indentation.  It was the GUI interface that
didn't seem to indent properly for me and I was all over the place
trying to indent properly as I recognize the importance of indentation
to python.  So, Alan, your descriptions below of what to expect were
right on the money!

Also I learned that I needed to key in a ":" after a command line in
order to get to the multiple line process to work properly.  I've been
reading and trying the tutorials and have picked up a lot more.  I like
a book to work from, but am waiting based upon your and other
suggestions ... in particular the ones that are about to have another
newer version to be released within the next few months.  Hope that
comes off as scheduled ... meaning the book releases.

Thank you all again for your most helpful hints as I do feel I'm making
some progress.  Not quantum leap progress, but it will come.  ;>))



----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk>
To: Dirigo <bbbbosox@mtneer.net>; <tutor@python.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 3:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Newbie here ... Have python installed and have been
trying the beginning tutorials

> laugh I'm sure, but I haven't seemed to master the entering of
> lines of code, but am researching what I am doing wrong here.  It
has to
> do with "..." - I assume these three periods are interpreted by

NO, they are an aid to the user to say you are still inside a
single multi line construct. In fact the IDLE GUI environment
doesn't show the ... at all(which can be confusing since it
messes up the indentation!)

> to know another line of code is following, but when I type the "..."
> hit the Enter key, I get the SyntaxError:

Yes, you don't type the '...' Python produces that for you (if you
use the raw interpreter in a DOS window). If you type it in then
will be very confused.

Alan G.