[Tutor] wiki WORDS

Kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Mon Jul 28 19:39:09 2003

Karl Pflästerer wrote:

> On 26 Jul 2003, Kirk Bailey <- idiot1@netzero.net wrote:
> Hi Kirk,
>>(Guten Morgen Mine Herr?)
>>(about 20% of my command of German, and I think the spelling is way off...)
> Well my english is only slightly better (sadly).  Merrily the way you
> wrote it is sounds in german like a mixture from german and dutch.  And
> as Python is from GvR and he is from the netherlands it's kind of funny.
There ARE no coincidences, and God(dess?) DOES SO have a sense of humor...

And your English typing is delightful. I would never dare this 
conversation in German. Or Hawaiian. I'm startled I *HAVE THE NERVE* to 
do it in English, my mother tounge.

> [...]
>>I am aware of it. Possibly I misunderstand you, or you me? I am not
>>'critical' of ANYTHING, I just want to understand this, and write one
>>myself, and install a few minor refinements, like the ability to
>>easily customize the header and footer.
> Perhaps I used the word critique in a sense it#s not used in english.  I
> used it the way it's used in academic speech where it doesn't imply per
> se a negative meaning.  I see critique as a good thing as it can help to
> improve things.

Ah, I see, good.  My 'critique' of moinmoin is not a moral condemnation 
of it or anyone else, but rather a concern for the security of a server 
with 2 commercial websites, and several noncommercial ones. It has never 
been cracked; I like that record.
>>I never wrote a wiki before. I want to write a basic one, that
>>duplicates a simple wiki. MoinMoin is more advanced, and would be an
>>even more difficult challenge to duplicate.
> I understand now your motivation.  It sounds interesting.  If I find the
> time I will subscríbe to that mailing list.
Hmm, now THERE's a thought. OK, I will go create a list over on the 
tinylist site. This will take >1< minute....

ok, done.  the list now exists. Here is where to go to join it:

Also, there is an EXISTING if minimal wiki, 'piki', on the site. Here's 
THAT url:


>>The one on the site now is working. Took an hour to get everything
>>right, and away it went! Spent most of the evening after that playing
>>with it. Alas, it is very strong in the use of CLASSES and OBJECTS,
>>and I am still  hammering OOP and CLASSES into my brain through my
>>concrete skull.
> I have a split opinion towards OOP.  I see a lot of cases where IMO a
> eg. functional approach would be a lot easier to grok.
Sometimes it is, according to some notable correspondants. Note the wiki 
now sports a BASIC explanation of oop. I found a introductory tutorial 
that managed to drive a crack into the concrete! :-)

> [...]
> In <3F22121B.7070806@netzero.net> Kirk Bailey wrote:
> [...]
>>I can see it is going to be quite a spell wrapping my brains around
>>this enough to be able to write one.
>>Someday, someday...
> I always say to myself if I see such a great piece of software that the
> people who wrote it also started with a simple solution and it evolved
> over time.  Look eg. at TeX (well DEK is an exception; I would really
> like to get to know him and to see how such an extremly intelligent man
> is in `normal life').
> [...]
>    Karl




         Kirk D Bailey

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