[Tutor] how to call "~wxDialog()" in python?

Jorge Godoy godoy@metalab.unc.edu
Tue Jul 22 07:41:01 2003

Thomas CLive Richards <thomi@thomi.imail.net.nz> writes:

> when trying to destroy a (WxWindows) window, I have to call a function
> called "self.~wxDialog()" However, python complains about the '~'
> character:
> thomi@Julie:~/work/python sources/wxPython$ ./wedderburn.py
>   File "./wedderburn.py", line 146
>     EVT_BUTTON(self,ID_PREFS_CLOSEBUTTON,self.~wxDialog)
>                                               ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I use the following to close my dialogs:

class About(wxDialog):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        # begin wxGlade: About.__init__
        self.button_4 = wxButton(self.panel_5, -1, "Fechar")
        # end wxGlade

        EVT_BUTTON(self, -1, self.OnExit)


   def OnExit(self, event):

I.e., I let the only button on the dialog with the standard ID of '-1'
and associate it to a function 'OnExit' in the same class. 

See you,
Godoy.     <godoy@metalab.unc.edu>