[Tutor] OT: Admin suggestion: Add reply address to mailer

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Wed Jul 16 11:07:22 2003

At 16:08 2003-07-16 +0200, Quentin wrote:
>All the lists I belong to have an auto reply address that will return all 
>replies back to the list, instead of to the original poster. Most mailing 
>list servers have this option. Is it possible for the Tutor list to have 
>it as well?

We've been through this, it's somewhere in the archives.
The simple answer is that with most email clients, it's
easy to answer either to the list of to the sender if
it's set up as it is now.

Just 'reply' will reply to the sender, and 'reply to all'
will also reply to the list.

With 'reply-to' header set to the list, it requires some
manual labour to reply to the sender with most email clients.

It's always good to prune the headers of an email manually,
just as you should prune the rest of the mail, for instance
removing uneeded quotes of previous mails.

Also, if you have the 'reply-to' set to the mailing list, and
just use 'reply' in your email client, the attribution for
quotes will typically say "you wrote" instead of for instance
"Quentin wrote".

I guess the best thing would be if every subscriber could set
up what they want 'reply-to' set to. Perhaps that is a reasonable
feature request for Mailman? Or can it be configured like that?

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language