[Tutor] A Telephony Question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jul 14 16:08:02 2003

> The problem is this, I can't seem to find a telepohony example
> anywhere. 

I'm not surprised, telephony falls into the category of:
"The wonderful thing about standards is that there are 
so many to choose from!"

On the PC there are: M$'s TAPI, Novell's NSTAPI, Sun's JTAPI,
plus Dialogic's proprietary one (the de-facto standard for 
first party CTI cards!). 

Given the multiplicity it would be difficult to do a standard 
Pythonic version, it's one area  where you are likely to have 
to write your own DLL or COM interface and wrap that up for Python.

> I need to dial someone and page them if an Internet
> connection goes down and maybe I'm being an idiot, 

If you don't need to handle voice then raw AT modem commands are 
probably the easiest way to go. If you can control the modem 
model there are some proprietary commands (ie non Hayes standard)
for controlling voice messaging too.

Alan G.