[Tutor] os.name on Windows 98

Thomas CLive Richards thomi@thomi.imail.net.nz
Thu Jul 10 19:26:11 2003

> > You can also use sys.platform, and on Linux that says 'linux2',
> this isn't any better, as it doesn't differentiate between Windows
> 2000, and Win98.
> What's the point of providing a function that doesn't return the
> correct info, or ambiguous information ?

perhaps the people who originally design the function thought that
windows2000 and windows98 were going to be pretty much identical in the
way they handle hardware, which is why they use the same name for both?

come to think of it, are there any huge differences between the two??

besides, with python being available on many different OS's, it kinda
makes sense to have several os "groupings", don't you think?

anyway, that's my $0.02...


Thomi Richards,