[Tutor] Setting PYTHONPATH in FreeBSD/Linux

Tony Cappellini tony@tcapp.com
Wed Jul 9 02:50:02 2003

I've been working with Python in Windows up until now.

I want to add HTMLGen to my PYTHONPATH, on a FreeBSD machine.

When I printed out os.environ['PYTHONPATH'], originally an error was 
display, because this key didn't exist.

So I've added

set pythonpath = /home/myhomedir
to my .cshrc file.
(all of the environment variables in the .cshrc file are lowercase, so I 
also made pythonpath lowercase)

I've logged out and back in and verified that my new environment variable 
is set, by typing

When I launch Python (version 2.0), import os, and print os.environ

pythonpath is NOT being seen by the python interperter.

I don't know if this is an OS thing with FreeBSD, or if it's a Python issue.

Can anyone help ?