[Tutor] Memory Problem Continued

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Jul 7 14:58:06 2003

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 DORSEY_EDMUND_K@LILLY.COM wrote:

> I did a little more testing and I realized I'm having a different problem.
>  The problem seems to be in assinging data to each index.  Calculating the
> indices doesn't eat any memory.  Sorry about that.
> Each call self._newData[index] = self._data[n] eats up some memory.

Hi Dorsey,

Sure; the problem is that keeping the values in memory is what's eating
your memory.  *grin*

Python's numbers are objects --- this is important, because each new
integer or floating-point number will take up a little more space than you
might expect.

> Prior to this function I initialized self._newData by saying
> newData = [0] * self._numVoxelsOrig
> Then I proceeded to fill up newData.  Everytime I put something into a
> different index it uses up some more memory.  Any ideas as why it would
> do this??

Out of curiosity: how large is _numVoxelsOrig?

> #self._numVoxelsOrig has a value of around 20 million

Since your vector of numers is very large, you may want to try saving
space by using a more "homogenous" data structure, like the vector and
matrix data types provided by the Numeric Python project.  numpy's matrix
classes are optimized to hold numbers efficiently.


Modifying the code to use numpy should be fairly nonintrusive: I think all
you need to do is modify the initialization of newData, perhaps like this:

    newData = Numeric.zeros(self._numVoxelsOrig)

Just wondering: do you expect your newData to be very sparse, or will most
of your values be nonzero?

Good luck to you!