[Tutor] Checking a file size before moving it

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Fri Jan 31 08:29:01 2003

At 21:15 2003-01-31 +1000, Alfred Milgrom wrote:
>Another suggestion might be to copy the files rather than moving them, and 
>at the end of the operation check whether the size of the files is the 
>same. If yes, you can remove the file from Directory A.

I think both this and the sleep version might cause lost
data if the computer system is slow.

Why don't you just try to open the file? At least in Win2000
you get an IOError if you try to open a file that it being
written. I assume that something like opening in append more
would yield an error in any OS, if open in read while writing
is permitted.

something like:

for fn in glob.glob('*'):
         f = file(fn)
     except IOError:
         print fn, 'is busy?'

See also

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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