[Tutor] Re: you may regret that comment Magnus!! [Word attachments == bad]

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Jan 31 00:59:01 2003

On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Magnus Lycka wrote:

> Hi, it seems your mail didn't reach the mailing list.
> I don't know if the Word attachment caused rejection,
> or if the subject line triggered some flame-war
> filter! ;)


Mailman automatically caught it and prompted the admins to take a look.
Mic, I had to reject the post because it was way too large.  To get around
this, you may just want to do a cut-and-paste of the code directly into
the email, so that it appears in the body of the post.

There's one major problem with sending code as a Microsoft Word

    1.  It's Word.  *grin* But seriously speaking, this limits your
        audience to people who are running on a system that has Microsoft
        Word.  It excludes people who are running on systems that don't
        have Word installed.

There's also the matter of the attachment being much too large to send to
the list.  But the major problem is compatibility: we want to allow people
to see your question in as widespread a way as possible, and Word is not a
good medium from a compatibility standpoint.  Plain text is a better
medium, so let's use that instead.

Just wanted to give a straight explanation why your post hadn't appeared
on Tutor.  Sorry about the inconvenience!