[Tutor] rockpaperscissors

Gregor Lingl glingl@aon.at
Tue Jan 28 12:13:03 2003

Bob Gailer schrieb:

> Here's a "minimalist" version of rockpaperscissors:
> import random
> score = [0,0,0]
> for i in range(3):
>   play = random.randint(0,2), random.randint(0,2)
>   outcome = [2,1,0,2,1][play[0] - play[1] + 2]
>   print '-'.join([['rock', 'scissors', 'paper'][p] for p in play]), 
> ['tie', 'player 1 wins', 'player 2 wins'][outcome]
>   score[outcome] += 1
> print 'player 1-%s  ties=%s  player 2=%s' % tuple(score)

I think the last line should read:

print 'ties=%s  player 1=%s  player 2=%s\n' % tuple(score)

Isn't it?
Moreover, if you would agree the following to be even
more minimalstic, you could replace line #5 by:

  outcome = (play[1]-play[0]) % 3

If you now wonder, why this yields the same output,
you may feel that there's something slightly uncomfortable
with "minimalistic" solutions like this.

Sincerely, Gregor