[Tutor] reading 2nd line

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Mon Jan 27 04:35:02 2003

At 13:00 2003-01-27 +0530, Jayprasad J. Hegde wrote:
>I have attached a very simple code

I'd suggest pasting small snippets of code into the mail
body instead of making attachments. That makes life
easier for most of us.

>entries = myfile.read ().splitlines ()

This means that you read the entire file into a string, and then
split it into lines. A more convenient way to do that would be
to use myfile.readlines(), but it's still not a very good idea.
If we don't want more than the second line, there is no reason
to read past that. The file might be big... So I'd do:

filename = ...
myfile = file(filename)
myfile.readline() # Read first line and drop result
secondLine = myfile.readline()

This will be much faster than to read a big file. Particularly
if we work with many files, as in:

import glob
closePos = 4

# Process close value in second line of all files
# with .csv extension in current folder.
for fn in glob.glob('*.csv'):
     f = file(fn)
     line2 = f.readline()
     process(fn, line2.split(',')[closePos])

If we have 100 files with 100 lines each, we will now read 200
lines totally, instead of 10,000 lines if we had used .read()
or .readlines().

I assume the "process" function needs the file name as well as the
close value in this case to figure out what stock it was.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus@thinkware.se