[Tutor] Sorting a dictionary in one line?

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed Jan 22 06:17:01 2003

> code others have written. One thing I observe is that comments
> often do not match the code because code (even with good
> design practices) tends to evolve, 

One reason for this is that the commenting is often bad.
It often describes *how the code works* rather than *what* 
the code does, or *why* the code is there!

The excellent book "Code Complete" has much to say on the subject 
of good commenting and I commend it to every programmer.

Example: Here is a bad comment....

    # open a file, read the content then extract the third field
    f = open('pay1232003.txt','r')
    txt = f.read().split()
    val = txt[2]

A better, and more robust, comment might say:

    # extract the salary value from the payments file 

Of course if I had used better names it would help too:

    f = open(payment_file,'r')
    content = f.read().split()
    salary = content[2]

Good commenting and coding generally is an art as well 
as a science.

Unfortunately a list like this tends not to teach 
good commenting since we use comments to explain 
our code samples - which is exactly what you should 
NOT do in real world code...(unless you are using 
some dangerous or obscure coding idiom).

Alan g.
Author of the Learn to Program website