[Tutor] An OO question

andy surany mongo57a@comcast.net
Tue Jan 14 17:42:45 2003

Hi all,

I have a class which creates (among many other things....), a simple
pop-up window (using Tk), as follows:

class WINMENU:
    def assist(self):

(Magnus, you will be pleased to note that I have learned not to throw
away my reference......)

Now, I have another class where I have written a mouse interrupt

    def mouse_handler(self):

What I want to do is on mouse interaction (in the main window), write
something to the already created popup. I thought that I would just
create an instance of "assist" in mouse_handler - but then I realized
that it is not my method that needs to be referenced, but rather the
window that was already created.

I could use a bit of advice here....

