[Tutor] How to run a program on Linux from Windows

Brad Reisfeld brad.reisfeld@colostate.edu
Tue Jan 14 09:50:04 2003

I have created a complex simulation program in Python (and c/c++/Fortran)
that runs on Linux from the command line as well as from a wxPython GUI.
This, of course, requires a user to login to the server (and use an X
client) to run the program.
The GUI version of the program, at present, allows the user to specify input
parameters, and once the simulation is complete, to 'interact' with the
output (e.g. drill down into the data).

I would like to find a method for users to access and run the program from a
Windows (and Mac) platform. It would be nice if I could use the same
wxPython interface, but another interface or tool would be acceptable.

My major concerns are the following: I would like to maintain as much
security on the server as possible. I do not want the clients running the
program to have to have an x client or have to log in to the server.

What are my options here?
Can this be done using some sort of communications protocol through a
Would a (http protocol) browser-based approach be applicable?
Would some sort of remote procedure call be the right approach?
Would I create a daemon that would 'listen' for something on a certain port
and then fire off the simulation?
What Python modules should I be looking at?

As you can read from my questions, I am painfully ignorant about the
networking issues involved.

Pointers to any relevant references are appreciated.

Thanks for your help.
