[Tutor] Leap years

Don Arnold Don Arnold" <darnold02@sprynet.com
Sun Jan 12 13:24:01 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "ahimsa" <ahimsa@onetel.net.uk>
To: <tutor@python.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 11:14 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Leap years

> Hello
> Although the problem is relatively straight forward, I am wanting to
> think through the problem-solving process itself.
> I am trying to script a program that will enable a user to input a given
> 4 digit year and have the output state whether or not that year is a
> leap year.

That's a good place to start.

> The basic idea is that a leap year happens once every four years, so
> therefore the year given should be divisible by 4 with no remainder.
> However, this doesn't always give an accurate result.

That is because your definition of a leap year is incorrect: a year is a
leap year if it is divisible by 4 and not by 100, or is divisible by 400.
Using the correct definition will get rid of those 'false positives'.


Once you get that working, you might want to see about turning this test
into a function. In pseudocode:

def isLeapYear(year):
    if year passes test for a leap year:
        return 1
        return 0

This will return 1 (which is considered 'true') if the input year passes the
test, or 0 (which is 'false') if it doesn't. That allows you to structure
your print statements (or other conditionals) like this:

if isLeapYear(year):
    print '%s is a leap year' % year
    print '%s is not a leap year' % year

> Rather than an answer, if someone can help me think through this problem
> so that I can learn the process/method involved, that would be best for
> me.

That's good to hear. It lets us know that we're not doing one of your
homework assignments for you.   ; )

> Thank you in anticipation.
> Andrew
> --
> ahimsa <ahimsa@onetel.net.uk>

