[Tutor] instance variables and the instance dictionary

Bob Gailer ramrom@earthling.net
Fri Jan 10 14:12:05 2003

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At 07:29 PM 1/10/2003 +0100, Magnus Lycka wrote:

>At 10:32 2003-01-10 -0700, Bob Gailer wrote:
>>Same case here. It's not that I'd want to do that, but the fact is that I 
>>can do it and it creates a problem.
>There are lots of things you can do with python that will
>create problems. I certainly don't want a set of tools that
>reminds me of a padded cell... And I don't think Mark should
>spend time fixing things in PythonWin that will never create
>a problem for anyone in practice. Life is too short...

I'd like to end this thread. I am not asking Mark to fix that. There's 
enough else I want to see fixed or enhanced in PythonWin. I was just 
reacting to the question "why would you want to do that."

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625

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